Asana is a Sanskrit word that means "posture" or "seat." In yoga, asanas are physical postures that are designed to improve flexibility, strength, and balance.
Mayurasana is a challenging pose that requires strength and balance. In this pose, the practitioner stands on their hands with their feet on their head.
Mandukasana is a seated pose that is similar to a frog pose. In this pose, the practitioner sits on their heels with their knees together.
Sheershasana is a headstand pose that is a great way to improve flexibility in the neck and spine. In this pose, the practitioner balances on their head with their legs in the air.
Sarvangasana is a shoulder stand pose that is a great way to improve circulation and reduce stress. In this pose, the practitioner lies on their back with their legs in the air and their hips supported by their shoulders.
Halasana is a plow pose that is a great way to stretch the back and spine. In this pose, the practitioner lies on their back with their legs in the air and their feet on the ground.
Bhujangasana is a cobra pose that is a great way to strengthen the back and spine. In this pose, the practitioner lies on their stomach with their hands under their shoulders and their chest lifted off the ground.
Muktasana is a relaxation pose that is a great way to release tension in the body. In this pose, the practitioner lies on their back with their legs extended and their arms at their sides.
Makarasana is a crocodile pose that is a great way to stretch the back and spine. In this pose, the practitioner lies on their stomach with their hands under their shoulders and their chest lifted off the ground.
Shalabhasana is a locust pose that is a great way to strengthen the back and spine. In this pose, the practitioner lies on their stomach with their hands under their shoulders and their legs extended in the air.
Chakrasana is a wheel pose that is a challenging pose that requires strength and flexibility. In this pose, the practitioner lies on their back with their hands under their shoulders and their legs extended in the air.
Pranayama is a Sanskrit word that means "control of breath." In yoga, pranayama is a practice that involves controlling the breath in order to improve physical and mental health.
Suryabhedan is a breathing exercise that is said to stimulate the solar plexus. In this exercise, the practitioner inhales through the right nostril and exhales through the left nostril.
Sheetli is a breathing exercise that is said to cool the body. In this exercise, the practitioner inhales through the mouth with a hissing sound.
Sheetkari is a breathing exercise that is said to warm the body. In this exercise, the practitioner inhales through the mouth with a humming sound.
Bhastrika is a breathing exercise that is said to stimulate the digestive system. In this exercise, the practitioner rapidly inhales and exhales through the nose.
Ujjai is a breathing exercise that is said to calm the mind. In this exercise, the practitioner inhales and exhales through the nose with a slight constriction of the throat.
Bhramari is a breathing exercise that is said to relax the mind. In this exercise, the practitioner inhales through the nose and exhales through the mouth with a buzzing sound.
Dhyana is a Sanskrit word that means "meditation." In yoga, dhyana is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a single point.
Vipassana is a form of meditation that is based on the teachings of the Buddha. In vipassana, the practitioner focuses on the present moment and observes their thoughts and feelings without judgment.
Samagra yoga dhyana (Sri Aurobindo)
Samagra yoga dhyana is a form of meditation that was developed by Sri Aurobindo. In samagra yoga dhyana, the practitioner focuses on the Divine within themselves and in the universe.
The asanas, pranayamas, and dhyanas listed above are just a few of the many practices that are associated with yoga
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